Southside Bay of Ragged Island, Ragged Islands, Bahamas

Southside Bay, Ragged Island is the most southern major anchorage in the Ragged Island chain. Duncan Town is the only settlement in the entire island chain and was devastated by a hurricane. The police station, clinic, and school have been abandoned. A church and a bar and grocery store remain open.

Our boat neighbor skimming about in his sailing dinghy at Southside Bay

Our welcoming committee as we head into town
Tamarind pods used for making jams

Flowering vine along the road into Duncan Town
View of channel back to Hog Cay Cut

The abandoned Police Station after damage from the hurricane
Outside grocery store, conch hung out to dry with salt ponds in background
Chicken with chicks and rooster wander about
Church has been lovingly restored after hurricane
Beautiful blooms along houses
The school abandoned and all children moved to other islands

Walked by salt ponds on way to the beach
Rock hopping and beach combing out from Duncan Town
What remains of damaged buildings
Goat skins hanging out to dry and plenty of goats roaming the island
The open Ponderosa Bar missing the second story
Different colored rock on Little Ragged Island beach
Beach combing on Little Ragged Island
Lover's Leap on Little Ragged Island
Land crab darting out from his hole
Climb up and over from one beach to the next
Approaching Duncan Town 

The baker's house we remember from our first visit
Cemetery next to the beach
Way off location aid to navigation
Duncan Town overlooking working salt pond
Flooded salt pond
More goats than people


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