
Cruising under Covid-19 pandemic

The Prime Minister of the Bahamas closed the borders of the Bahamas by air and sea on April 8 and put a shelter in place order which was extended until May 30 and encouraged pleasure boats to leave. Cruisers were locked down over Easter Holiday and during weekends and then that was extended to no going ashore. With those restrictions in place, we crossed back to Rock Sound Eleuthera and then as weather permitted stopped at Alabaster Bay, Hatchet Bay, Spanish Wells and Royal Island retracing our path back to the Berry Islands. We anchored at Devils Hoffman and then Slaughter Harbour before our final docking at Great Harbour Cay Marina before our planned crossing back to Florida on May 3rd and 4th. Social distancing Last catch of the day The new normal with face masks Cruising with corona virus Mangrove snapper was our fishing finale

Bell Island, Exuma Land and Sea Park, Bahamas

Bell Island and Cambridge Cay are in the Exuma Land and Sea Park and are ideal spots to ride out the west winds of a cold front as you can get between the islands. At low tide, this is as far as we could drag the dinghy to Cambridge Cay beach Path to the sound side beach Prickly cactus Impressive rock formations with spy hole Stalking the sea glass Fabulous flamingo shell Great wave action Pink super moon rising above Cambridge Cay The pink super moon the next night over Rock Sound Harbour

Staniel Cay, Exumas, Bahamas

Big Majors Spot, home of the swimming pigs is located next to Staniel Cay which is the busy hub of the Exumas. Staniel Cay Yacht Club has a bar and restaurant, rental cottages and is the home base for Makers Air. Staniel Cay has three grocery stores and a combination laundry and liquor store. It has it all for the cruisers and attracts the megayachts. The public beach next to the Yacht Club Cartoons of swimming pigs at Big Majors Spot Staniel Cay Yacht Club Colorful cottages on way into town Shark hanging out under the dock Curious bird Cozy critters

White Point, Great Guana Cay, Exumas, Bahamas

White Point has a beautiful white sandy beach bordering the anchorage. Jack's Bay and Jack's Bay Cove are to the north and Hetty's Land to the south all on Great Guana Cay that stretches from the anchorage across from  Little Farmer's Cay past the anchorage of Black Point settlement to Dotham Cut. Cruiser built beach chairs Termite nest in the tree Stingray scooting along the shore Ocean spray at the narrowest part of Great Guana Cay Path across dried salt pond to the sound side at Hetty's Land Spray coming into cove from Exuma Sound at Hetty's Land Mutton snapper caught at White Point Landed at Jack's Bay Cove and walked across the island to another cove Buzzed by US Coast Guard helicopter Cave on Jack's Bay beach The "sidewalk" on Jack's Bay beach Sun setting over White Point turning into a green flash

Little Farmer's Cay, Exumas, Bahamas

Little Farmer's Cay offers a great all around protection anchorage. Farmer's Cay Marina has mooring balls and the small settlement has an airstrip and a small grocery store and two restaurants. The supply boat Captain C comes in the cut and a smaller boat comes alongside to unload while they turn around and then leave the same way they came in. Cruisers fishing from dinghy in Farmer's Cay entrance cut Caverns along the shore Rocky beach of Big Farmer's Cay on Exuma Sound Long beautiful beach on banks side of Big Farmer's Cay Stunning milk conch shell Straw market at Little Farmer's Cay The government dock  Defense Force and Police enforcing 24 curfew Oven Rock on Great Guana Cay Sailboat on the banks Cruiser's cairn marking trailhead to the sound side beach High on the hill and what a view Looking for the next sandy beach to beachcomb Ship wreck

Lee Stocking Island, Bahamas

Lee Stocking Island is the home to the old marine research center that has been abandoned. See tug and barge shaped islands in the distance. The anchorage at Lee Stocking Island Sound side beach Single sailboat out on Exuma Sound Interesting tracks in the sand Rock hopping Up the clear creek to Norman's Pond Mangroves surrounding the pond Red succulent that loves the sandy shore Iguanas on Leaf Cay Beach Lobster gift from neighbor Trailhead to Perry's Peak Inviting shady beach made for a picnic View from Perry's Peak to Williams Cay anchorage View back to Lee Stocking Island anchorage At the top Green heron on the trail Egret at the pond View from the porch with the collapsed deck Stone beacon at entrance to Adderly Cut Fishing from rocky ledge Cavern with overhanging vegetation on the beach Rough ride for kayak washed ashore